Jordan Vandeputte
Live Event Painting
The Art of Capturing Joy
Live painting is a new, unique experience combining performance and painting.
My paintings are passionate and sensitive, perfect for creating work that celebrates love! Get a piece tailored to your vision: sleek and modern, rustic and warm, bright and airy, or classic and refined. Take home a timeless heirloom that captures all the emotions from your special night through a medium that words and pictures cannot express.
Timeless beauty, unique experiences, unforgettable results
Over the span of 7 -10 hours, you and your guests will be dazzled as you see the painting develop. Watch as the work unfolds from a loose sketch to a fully-rendered masterpiece. The planning process is simple, keeping your day stress-free and easy. All my materials are set up and taken down on the same day.
Customize an experience unique to you! One of the benefits of painting is being able to create a moment that pictures cannot. I am happy to add pets or people not able to attend your day. Or allowing your guests to add their own marks to the canvas! Do not be afraid to ask me questions, I love hearing your ideas so reach out today!
18 x 24" (Most Popular)
Great for focusing on the couple with some background details. Works well for small displays. Up to 6 hours of live painting.
30 x 40"
Perfect for creating a statement piece. Work can include large groups of people. Up to 8 hours of live painting.
24 x 30"
Ideal for including extra background details and optionally more guests. Up to 7 hours of live painting.
Custom requests
I love expressive creative ideas for canvases, size and subject! Tell me your ideas!
Studio touch-ups and display-ready varnish are included in all options. Shipping or traveling costs may come at an additional price for travel outside of the GTA.
Incorporate art into your day!
Art adds a personal element that is unique to you! I have created paintings for welcome signs, guest portraits, anniversary presents, and more!